Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Savor Today

I can't stop thinking about Jenny. She touched thousands and thousands of people with her life & death. She was an incredible person with such a heart for God. I'm in awe that a person could touch my heart so deeply and I haven't seen or spoken to her in nearly 10 years. I'm moved by her family. Her husband's messages to her on facebook have me flooded with tears. Thinking of her 10 year old daughter growing up without her mommy makes me wail. Her whole story makes me cherish each moment and know that life is but a vapor. She got sick with flu like symptoms and 2 weeks later things got incredibly worse and she passed away at the age of 31. You can read her entire story at
It is so hard to wrap my mind around death. I know she is in Heaven walking the streets of gold and holding babies that have gone before her. I think the hardest part for me is the grief that her family is going through. I've never lost anyone that was young and I was super close to. I almost feel as though I wouldn't be able to breath and make it through the day. But then, I remind myself of Beth Moore's bible study on Esther when she says, "And then what?" What are you going to do after the scenario has happened? You have to go on and then... you rely on God and get on your knees, and then... He will get you through...and then...That's what. I'm not writing it as well as she said it, but it helps me in the slightest when I think about grief. I know your sweet husband and baby girl will see you again and I look forward to hanging out with you too. Maybe we can do boot camp in Heaven together?!?

So, with Jenny in mind...I'm going to savor today. I'm going to hug Ellie a little longer and kiss Brett a little harder. I'm going to love passionately, seek the Lord deeper, and find contentment in all that I do. Thanks Jenny for inspiring me to have purpose in my daily life.

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