Friday, December 18, 2009

Decorating Gingerbread Houses

We had a gingerbread house decorating play date at our house this week. It was so fun and a tradition that will hang around. Here are some pics!
I made these houses out of graham crackers and powder sugar icing. I posted the recipe at the end.

I love the tenderness of Ellie & Ryanne in this picture.

Ellie takes after her daddy and was very meticulous. She spent an hour on the yard!

Don't worry, I have stain remover if it gets anywhere!

More decorating

I LOVE Cash in this pic! Little monkey could care less about decorating. He was all business - eating as much candy as possible! He eventually ate the roof off!

Sweet Ryanne & Macey May

Cash is the ring leader of this activity!
The roof has been removed! Hurricane Ike must have hit it!
We had such a great time making a mess and making memories. What a fun way to celebrate the season!
Here is the recipe (Thank You Aunt Becky!)
1 - 16oz pkg confectioners sugar
1/2 t. cream of tartar
3 egg whites at room temperature
1/2 t. vanilla extract
Combine all ingredients in medium size bowl. With mixer, blend until smooth, then beat at high speed until stiff. (Makes 3 cups) Icing dries quickly. If icing is too thick, thin with a few drops of water.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cute things

Having a toddler can be so entertaining. Ellie has been talking more and more and beginning to form sentences. Some of the things she says makes me laugh. I want to record some the of the latest so I don't forget.

I was humming a lullaby while rocking Ellie to sleep last week. She looked up at me and said, "Mommy, NO, hmm mmm mmm mm." I said, "You don't want me to hum you to sleep?" She said, "NO HMM MMM MMM"
I laughed all night at that one!

Anytime she sees a truck on the road she says, "Biiigggggggg Truuucckkk" or if it is red, she asks, "Daddy's Truck????" If she sees a yellow truck, she says, "E truck??" asking me if it is Uncle Eric's truck.

She finally gave up her Paci (or "peah peah" as she calls it). We sing "No More Peah Peah's" and she dances around.

Anytime she picks her nose she holds her finger out to me and says, "EEWWWEEEE"

Before we left the house today, I said, "Ellie, where is Mommy's purse?" and she said, "Mommy, I want a purse, toooooo"
Well okay then! I know what she is getting for her birthday!

While driving with Brett, Ellie burst out "I'm FUNNY" and shes been saying it ever since. At random times, she'll just let us know that she's funny. It is sooooo cute!

I love my little monkey moo. She is such a delight!

Monday, November 9, 2009

San Antonio Visit

We had a great time in San Antonio. We LOVED spending time with my family and making memories.
Here are some pics of Ellie in her Halloween costume (A Doctor in Training!)

Brett captured the essence of Miss Elizabeth!

Aunt Monty & Ellie doing their hair!

Putting lipstick on Aunt Shell Shell

Go Spurs Go! Ellie adored this hat!

Ellie & 3rd cousin, Sophie

Aunt Elaine, Misti, and Uncle Matthew

Sis, Dad, Ellie, Me and Mana at Aunt Elaine's 50th Birthday Bash

Ellie is super sleepy (so is mommy!)

Ellie giving kisses to her PoPo

Aunt Shell Shell, Ellie, Mommy (I love Ellie's face in this pic!)

Ellie putting beads on Aunt Monty

Ellie gives kisses to her sweet Uncle Ed

Daddy and Bow Head!

Me & My Aunt Monty

Me & My sis, Mishelle

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween & Where The Wild Things Are

Where The Wild Things Are is my sisters favorite childhood book. She bought the book for Ellie and we read it quite a bit. We were thrilled to take Ellie to go see it. Bad, horrible, awful idea. The movie (in my opinion) was one of the saddest, most depressing movies I've ever seen. We (me, Brett, sis, niece Madison, and Ellie)were all in agreement. Anyway, the best part of the entire movie was that Ellie spilled an entire bottle of water in Brett's lap. Could this be anymore perfect? I mean, it looks like he totally wet his pants. We joked that the movie was so bad he had messed himself! He was such a great sport about it, as with everything!

Nacho Libre stance, typical Brett style

Dr. Ellie Murphey is in the house. She's grown out of her scrubs, oops!

Bewitching Mana and Dr. Ellie Murphey
Ellie handed out candy and toys with Mishelle & Mana while Brett & I went to the Spurs game. Thanks Uncle Ed for the amazing center court tickets. We had such a fun date.
Shell said Ellie was adorable and thought everyone coming to the house was coming over to play with her. Such a ham! Her little personality is coming out more and more.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ellie & Braelyn

This past weekend Ellie and I traveled to Dallas for Janna's baby shower. Janna looked so dang adorable (as always). She gave us the best "hostess" gifts. So thoughtful and genuine. We stayed with Auntie Julie and BFF Braelyn. Ellie & Braelyn are toooo cute together. I think they look so much alike (dark eyes, same color hair, full lips, and oh so cute!) They did their normal hitting, pulling hair, and screaming at each other (normal 2 year old behavior!) but before we left they were clearly so sad to be leaving one another. Ellie kept whining for Braelyn to come home with us. She even told her "get in ruck" (get in the truck!) Braelyn kept saying "I want Ya Ya" (I want Ellie). It was beyond precious. Here's a video in the laundry room before we left.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Grandma Dugan

Grandma Dugan passed away last night around 9:30pm. My heart is at peace because I know she is in incredible to meet Jesus, sit at His feet, and walk the streets of gold. I'm looking forward to that day! I got to say goodbye to Grandma yesterday. Thankfully my cousin, Tracy, came over during Ellie's nap time so I could go talk to Grandma. We could tell she was dying and in the "final stages". I was sobbing as I talked to her. It was such a weird cry...I was so overwhelmed with happiness that she was about to meet sweet Jesus. I was/am excited for her. I didn't feel like she was really "living" anymore since she was confined to a bed at a nursing home. Her health & mind had been declining and she wasn't really herself anymore. Now she's really living! Now she has health and no more pain.

Grandma was in love with Ellie. I tried to take Ellie to visit her at the nursing home once a week or at least twice a month. Grandma would look over from her bed, and cheerfully say "Well, I'll be...there's my little Ellie" "Hi Ellie Ellie Ellie" "I bet her daddy just loves her" "She's my sugar pot" "Hi Sugar Pot" "I love you love you love you"
It was so sweet to hear her dote on Ellie. Grandma always doted on me and showed me how proud she was of me. She was such a great encourager. She always showered me with compliments and made me feel special. I hope I can do that for my family, friends, and most of all my children and grandchildren. I believe in the power of words and my grandma spoke such uplifting and promising words over me. She always told me that I was smart and made good choices. She told me that I could do whatever I wanted to and that I would be good at it. What an impact that has made on my life. .
Here is a pic of Ellie and Grandma in the summer of 2008. I kept telling Grandma that Ellie was nursing and didn't eat real food. She ignored me!
The next picture was taken in July 2009 and Ellie was having fun feeding crackers to Grandma!

I look forward to seeing Grandma & Grandpa Dugan again when the Lord calls me home. I love you Grandma.


Last week was amazing for Brett & I. We took a vacation to Hawaii. We stayed in Lanai for 3 nights and Maui for 4 nights. It was incredible! I missed my baby Ellie, but at the same time it was a good break for mommy & daddy. She stayed with Grams & Papa and I know she had a fun time. I ask her, "Did you have fun with Grams & PaPa" and she says, "YES!!!" really loud and excited! Valerie sent cute pictures to keep us posted during the week. I would look them over & over and think about how big she looked. Here are some of the pics we got while away. It is such a blessing to have such amazing grandparents for Ellie. What a privilege for Ellie to have them in her life.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Zinnia & Ellie

We put Zinnias in our garden at the beginning of the summer and they now look like they are on steroids! They make my heart happy - such pretty colors and so cheery. Brett got this adorable picture of Ellie in the garden. PS, her hair looks short but its actually in a ponytail! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Going to the Pool

This video was taken over a month ago. Ellie doesn't say much but she looks oh so cute! 

Monday, August 10, 2009

Let's go to swim lessons

Here's a video of me letting Ellie know we were starting swim lessons that day :)
My little monkey is on her 4th day of lessons (as of today) and can blow bubbles, kick, dog paddle, and get out of the pool at the deep end. The only issue we have is that she screams "mommy" the entire lesson. I'll try to get video of that today! 

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wa - Wa

Daddy and Ellie have started a new "before bedtime" trend. They go out and water the plants together. It is so precious. Here is a picture Brett captured from his phone. Now anytime we pass a plant when we are out and about (even if it is fake!), she points to it and says Wa-Wa, Wa-Wa! 

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ellie in red wedge heels!

Ellie LOVES to wear shoes. She typically walks around in daddy's tennis shoes! Here she is today in my wedge heels! It seems she is never dressed with a cute bow when I get great video and photo opportunities! Oh well, gotta capture these moments!

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July

Here are some pics from our 4th of July celebrations! We spent time at my in-laws lakehouse and then to the Carlson's river house.

My sweet friend, Beth, hosted a play date where we made American flags using our babies feet and hands to make the stars and stripes. Precious idea! Ellie and I were super messy, but we had a great time! We gave the flag to Grams and she hung it proudly at the lakehouse!
Rebecca helped us with the paint!
Finished product!
Watching the Cape Malibu neighborhood parade!
Ellie in her new adirondack chair!

Uncle E let Ellie drive his boat!

Uncle E let Nolan and Macey drive too!

I love this picture of Macey!

Uncle E and little E in the Trinity River!

Ellie didn't last long in the river. The lifejacket wasn't too fun for her.

Going fast in the boat!