Friday, December 18, 2009

Decorating Gingerbread Houses

We had a gingerbread house decorating play date at our house this week. It was so fun and a tradition that will hang around. Here are some pics!
I made these houses out of graham crackers and powder sugar icing. I posted the recipe at the end.

I love the tenderness of Ellie & Ryanne in this picture.

Ellie takes after her daddy and was very meticulous. She spent an hour on the yard!

Don't worry, I have stain remover if it gets anywhere!

More decorating

I LOVE Cash in this pic! Little monkey could care less about decorating. He was all business - eating as much candy as possible! He eventually ate the roof off!

Sweet Ryanne & Macey May

Cash is the ring leader of this activity!
The roof has been removed! Hurricane Ike must have hit it!
We had such a great time making a mess and making memories. What a fun way to celebrate the season!
Here is the recipe (Thank You Aunt Becky!)
1 - 16oz pkg confectioners sugar
1/2 t. cream of tartar
3 egg whites at room temperature
1/2 t. vanilla extract
Combine all ingredients in medium size bowl. With mixer, blend until smooth, then beat at high speed until stiff. (Makes 3 cups) Icing dries quickly. If icing is too thick, thin with a few drops of water.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cute things

Having a toddler can be so entertaining. Ellie has been talking more and more and beginning to form sentences. Some of the things she says makes me laugh. I want to record some the of the latest so I don't forget.

I was humming a lullaby while rocking Ellie to sleep last week. She looked up at me and said, "Mommy, NO, hmm mmm mmm mm." I said, "You don't want me to hum you to sleep?" She said, "NO HMM MMM MMM"
I laughed all night at that one!

Anytime she sees a truck on the road she says, "Biiigggggggg Truuucckkk" or if it is red, she asks, "Daddy's Truck????" If she sees a yellow truck, she says, "E truck??" asking me if it is Uncle Eric's truck.

She finally gave up her Paci (or "peah peah" as she calls it). We sing "No More Peah Peah's" and she dances around.

Anytime she picks her nose she holds her finger out to me and says, "EEWWWEEEE"

Before we left the house today, I said, "Ellie, where is Mommy's purse?" and she said, "Mommy, I want a purse, toooooo"
Well okay then! I know what she is getting for her birthday!

While driving with Brett, Ellie burst out "I'm FUNNY" and shes been saying it ever since. At random times, she'll just let us know that she's funny. It is sooooo cute!

I love my little monkey moo. She is such a delight!