Monday, November 9, 2009

San Antonio Visit

We had a great time in San Antonio. We LOVED spending time with my family and making memories.
Here are some pics of Ellie in her Halloween costume (A Doctor in Training!)

Brett captured the essence of Miss Elizabeth!

Aunt Monty & Ellie doing their hair!

Putting lipstick on Aunt Shell Shell

Go Spurs Go! Ellie adored this hat!

Ellie & 3rd cousin, Sophie

Aunt Elaine, Misti, and Uncle Matthew

Sis, Dad, Ellie, Me and Mana at Aunt Elaine's 50th Birthday Bash

Ellie is super sleepy (so is mommy!)

Ellie giving kisses to her PoPo

Aunt Shell Shell, Ellie, Mommy (I love Ellie's face in this pic!)

Ellie putting beads on Aunt Monty

Ellie gives kisses to her sweet Uncle Ed

Daddy and Bow Head!

Me & My Aunt Monty

Me & My sis, Mishelle

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween & Where The Wild Things Are

Where The Wild Things Are is my sisters favorite childhood book. She bought the book for Ellie and we read it quite a bit. We were thrilled to take Ellie to go see it. Bad, horrible, awful idea. The movie (in my opinion) was one of the saddest, most depressing movies I've ever seen. We (me, Brett, sis, niece Madison, and Ellie)were all in agreement. Anyway, the best part of the entire movie was that Ellie spilled an entire bottle of water in Brett's lap. Could this be anymore perfect? I mean, it looks like he totally wet his pants. We joked that the movie was so bad he had messed himself! He was such a great sport about it, as with everything!

Nacho Libre stance, typical Brett style

Dr. Ellie Murphey is in the house. She's grown out of her scrubs, oops!

Bewitching Mana and Dr. Ellie Murphey
Ellie handed out candy and toys with Mishelle & Mana while Brett & I went to the Spurs game. Thanks Uncle Ed for the amazing center court tickets. We had such a fun date.
Shell said Ellie was adorable and thought everyone coming to the house was coming over to play with her. Such a ham! Her little personality is coming out more and more.